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X-ploring Rectangles

Day 2 of 'X Marks the Spot' started really late.  Spencer arrived after noon, had a snack, and went down for his nap.  Usually we get half of the day if not more done before nap time.  A late lunch/early dinner when he woke up.  Once it was cleaned up, after 4 pm, we started.

Circle Time
The list I posted yesterday was what we went over again today.  It will be the base of our daily Circle Time.
To help remember the letter X we added a body movement.  While making the /x/ sound we cross our forearms making the letter x.  This was a great reminder for Spencer.  Every time I asked him 'what is that letter' he would do the movement to remind himself.  I thought it was adorable.  Perhaps I should take a video!  
Today I added some exploring of rectangles! 

 I found foam shape sheets at the dollar store and cut them up.  There were at least twenty rectangles.  We said rectangle just as many times at least. :).
 This year I want to let the kids lead more of the lessons then I allowed last year. Spencer wanted to put some rectangles on the white board with magnets and make a train with the other rectangles. It has only been 2 days but I think it makes Spencer more proud of his work when he chooses how the lessons play out.
We counted and practiced patterns as well.  I gave my little dragon a rectangle to keep with him all day.  The funny thing is I don't know where that rectangle is now, I don't think he does either.

The little dragon decorated his explorers box.

He used markers, stickers, and glitter glue.  Glitter glue takes FOREVER to dry.  It is still drying as I write this. But it is one of his favorite things to use.

The little dragon wanted to decorate the inside to.  So of course, he did.

I found the little boxes at the dollar store.  The plastic is great for markers.

I will post a picture of the finished product...sometime.  :)

 I have been trying to alternate activities with sit down work so it doesn't seem like to much sitting at one time.

Next thing on our list was a treasure map.  The purpose of this map is to track our weekly progress through the year.

I had Spencer choose where to put the 'x' and draw the 'x' and trace the line from the starting dot to the 'x'. 
Together we taped it to the wall.  Then went downstairs to retrieve our binoculars (and a load of laundry) for our Hunt for Rectangles.

Spencer did great at this hunt.  He found many rectangles.  He did much better with the binoculars today.  I think it helped him focus what he was looking at.
 At first he just looked at everything kind of stunned.  I put my binoculars on and pointed to the window.  He still wasn't getting it.  With my finger I traced the window so he could see the rectangle better.  He put his binoculars up to his eyes and started pointing out rectangles looking at sections of the room at time.

While upstairs we grabbed some pre prepared rectangles for our map and an X pencil topper.  And of course said rectangle some more.
 While making the rectangle for the map we talked about how the bible is Gods word and how God's word is a treasure.  We flipped through the pages of the bible together looking at a few pictures.  As the weeks continue we will be adding more rectangles like the one in the picture above.  

Lastly we did an above and below worksheet in his X folder.  He was able to practice writing an x while drawing an X on what was below the other objects.  Perfect! 

Yesterday I didn't mention the activity we did from the X folder.  I didn't take a picture either.  It was a monster truck tire matching sheet.  Matching uppercase to lowercase w,x,y,and z.  It involved scissor practice and of course the letter X.  

Tomorrow is sensory bin day!  It is supposed to land on Wednesday's or day 3 of the lesson.  With the holiday on Monday it pushed us back a day.  

Happy exploring!  I would love to read how you explored today. :D


  1. Love the treasure map idea and relating back to God's word. What a blessing! Thanks for sharing!

    1. Of course! I have no reason to blog but to share and pray that it will bring God, inspiration, and education to other moms. Thank you for the comment :)

  2. Very creative! Great way to incorporate interest-led learning. :)

    1. Thank you Kristan. I enjoy reading your posts. You have many creative, fun activity ideas. I know I want to try some of them out!

  3. I love the treasure map! Thanks for linking up to the Learn Though Play hop and sharing it! Check back throughout the month for more fun activities!

    1. Thank you! I really enjoyed what I found linked. I will be sure to stop by again. :)


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