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Ten Little Doggies
Forgiving Fingers
Twelve Disciples 
Six Valentines 
Turkey Song
The Creation Song 

Days of the Week

There are seven days, there are seven days, there are seven days in a week.
There are seven days, there are seven days, there are seven days in a week.

Sunday Monday, Tuesday Wednesday, Thursday Friday 


Sunday Monday, Tuesday Wednesday, Thursday Friday 


I remember this song from Barney when I was young.  I do not know the tune it is sung too. I have not seen this version anywhere else but it is easy to remember and easy to pick up. 

Five Little Snowflakes

One little snowflake with nothing to do.
Along came another and
Then there were two.

Two little snowflakes laughing with me.
Along came another, and
Then there were three.

Three little snowflakes looking for some more.
Along came another, and
Then there were four.

Four little snowflakes dancing a jive.
Along came another, and
Then there were five.

Five little snowflakes having so much fun.
Out came the sun, and
Then there were none!

I made 5 different snowflakes with smiley faces and a sun and put magnets on the back that I bought on to use on the magnetic board. 

Three Valentines
(Mary had a little lamb)

I made three Valentines for you
Valentines for you
Valentines for you

I made three Valentines for you
Pink, red, and blue. 

I put them in the mail for you
mail for you
mail for you

I put them in the mail for you
Pink, red, and blue. 

I made pink, red, and blue hearts for the magnetic board for this song.  It is really catchy. 

Don't Smoke Poem

Smoke makes people cough
Smoke makes people wheeze
Smoke hurts people's throats
Smoke makes people sneeze
Smoke is bad for people
Don't smoke, please. 

We are studying the heart and I found this poem on the American Heart Association website.  When talking about our hearts we talk about what is good/bad for it.  This poem fits right in. 

Manners Song

Zip-a-dee-do-da, zip-a-dee-ay
We use our manners every day
Please and thank you is what we say
Zip-a-dee-do-da, zip-a-dee-ay

When you use your manners daily
Things will go more smoothly
If you like things to go your way 
Use your manners every day

Zip-a-dee-do-da, zip-a-dee-ay
We use our manners every day
Please and thank you is what we say
Zip-a-dee-do-da, zip-a-dee-ay

I sing this song when calling the kids to circle time.  They know by the end of the song they should be sitting down ready to learn. 

Circle Time Song

Hello every one
and how are you today?
We have come to our circle time
to sing and laugh and play.

When your up your up
(Put your hands up in the air)

And when your down your down
(Put your hands down low)

And when your only half way up
(put your hands half way)

Your neither up nor down
(raise your hands up then back down)

So roll your hands so slowly
(roll your hands slowly)

Then roll them oh so fast
(roll your hands fast, fast, faster)

Give your hands a clap, clap, clap
(clap your hands)

And put them in your lap, tap, tap. 
(rest your hands in your lap)

This song always makes the children smile!  No tune that I know of I just sing it and it works out. 

God made trees
God made trees
God made leaves
God made leaves
God said please
Take care of these

Sang along with our creation Bible lesson. 

God made my face (point to face)
My toes, my hands (touch toes)
I have a place (point to self)
In Gods great plans (outstretch arms)

I am special (point to self)
Don't you see (binoculars)
Someone very special (palms up)
'Cause God made me (point to self)
God made me (point to self)

The two above are short.  We said/sang them each 3x's.  There was no tune reference for the song when I found it you could say it as a poem.

5 Little Dinosaurs
5 little dinosaurs went out one day
over the hills and far away
Mother dinosaur said 'roar, roar , roar'  
and 4 little dinosaurs stomped back to the door

4 little dinosaurs went out one day
over the hills and far away
Mother dinosaur said 'roar, roar , roar'
and 3 little dinosaurs stomped back to the door

3 little dinosaurs went out one day
over the hills and far away
Mother dinosaur said 'roar, roar , roar'
and 2 little dinosaurs stomped back to the door

2 little dinosaurs went out one day
over the hills and far away
Mother dinosaur said 'roar, roar , roar'
and 1 little dinosaur stomped back to the door

1 little dinosaur went out one day
over the hills and far away
Mother dinosaur said 'roar, roar , roar'
and no little dinosaurs stomped back to the door

Mother dinosaur went out one day
over the hills and far away
Mother dinosaur said 'roar, roar , roar' (loud)
and all little dinosaurs stomped back to the door

The original version of this song was sang with ducks when I was little.  I loved it!  When I found the magnetic dinosaurs I knew this was the song I wanted to use. 

6 little dinoaurs
(10 little indians)

1 little 2 little 3 little dinosaurs
4 little 5 little 6 little dinosaurs
There are no more little dinosaurs
All the dinosaurs say ROAR!

The kids were looking at me expectantly after we finished the 5 little dinosaurs song so I winged it and sang this song.  The kids laughed when I said the third line because they are used to counting to ten with this song.  I was pleased with the results. 

5 Elephants
(song repeats until the number reaches 5)

_ Elephant went out to play
On a spider web one day
He/she was having so much fun 
He/she invited another one.

_Elephants went out to play
On a spider web one day
They had such enormous fun
The spider web broke and they all fell down! 

Elephants go like this and that (stomp feet), this and that (stomp feet)this and that (stomp feet)
Elephants go like this and that because they are 
big and fat (spread arms and puff cheeks)

Elephants have no fingers nor toes (wiggle fingers and toes), no fingers nor toes (wiggle fingers and toes), no fingers nor toes (wiggle fingers and toes)
Elephants have no fingers nor toes (wiggle fingers and toes),
But goodness gracious look at their nose! (make a long trunk with your arm)

Pass it on

(sung to the tune of Frere Jacques)
Have you had a kindness shown?
Pass it on.  Pass it on.
God wants you to share it.
God wants you to share it.
Pass it on.  Pass it on.

Wasn't meant for you alone;
Pass it on.  Pass it on.
God wants you to share it.
God wants you to share it.
Pass it on.  Pass it on.

Let it travel through the years,
Pass it on.  Pass it on.
God wants you to share it.
God wants you to share it.
Pass it on.  Pass it on.

Let it wipe another's tears,
Pass it on.  Pass it on.
God wants you to share it.
God wants you to share it.
Pass it on.  Pass it on.

Til in heav'n the deed appears;
Pass it on.  Pass it on.
God wants you to share it.
God wants you to share it.
Pass it on.  Pass it on.

Families Poem
 From DLTK
Some families are big. (spread arms out wide)
Some families are small (bring arms close together)
But God made our families (point up in the air) one and all!

Some families are big. (spread arms out wide)
Some families are small (bring arms close together)
But God loves our families (cross arms over chest) one and all!

Some families are big. (spread arms out wide)
Some families are small (bring arms close together)
But God keeps our families (cup hands in front) one and all!

Gloria's Garden

(tune of John Jacob Jingle Himer Smith)

Grapes grow in Glorias Garden
She grows green gourds too.
For words that start with G
The people run to see
Words like grapes grow in Glorias Garden


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