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Plants and Puppets

These are couple activities we did during our P week, just because they start with p and it was a good time to get it done. :)

Puppets can be a blast.  They have voices and mannerisms you don't see every day.  Our most recent Kiwi Crate was on storytelling and inside were the materials to make puppets.  Cool puppets. 

Like all of the Kiwi Crate activities there are many great learning aspects to making a the craft.
Small hands making big projects is an achievement for kids.  Not that it is difficult, but that they can look at it and say "I did that!"  When they may have doubted it at the beginning.

These puppets were made using a wooden dowel, large pipe cleaner, large pom poms, double sided tape, string, and beads.  All of these supplies were provided inside the Kiwi Crate.

These puppets were neat because of the way they moved, and you could change their shoes.

Our little seeds we planted are now to big to stay in the egg carton and are ready to move to a bigger growing space.  Where we currently live there is no area for an in ground garden so we use pots. 

These were really easy to plant due to the cardboard egg carton.  I cut each 'cup' of the egg carton apart then you simply plant each one.  You cover it with dirt, add some water and wa-la, a potted plant.  

We lined the front walk way with our pots.

made some recycled pots and put them on a handy outdoor table

Since we have potted the plants they have grown quiet a bit
Cucumbers, not sure how they will vine from the pots...


Green Pepper and Basil
 I tried a garden last year and it wasn't as successful.  I am really excited about the garden this year, it is looking fantastic!

Oh yes, and while planting the extra basil in the flower bed Little Dragon had some fun digging for worms and playing in a muddy, messy, sensory bin.


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