We wrapped up the letter Rr and season stuff today. The library books are due so I wanted to get the last minute Discovery Pack activities out of the way.
It seemed like a really long day today. Most likely because it was Monday and I had a busy emotional weekend. It was also the first day I was feeling better from 'the sickness' so I was trying to clean up the things left undone while mamma was sick. (One of the most frustrating things about being a mom.)
On top of that Spencer come over with hives all over his body so he was irritable and Athena was up late and it was her first day home from a couple days at the bio's house.
I think Mondays are the hardest days.
I set the rocks out again for observation
The reading station
And some dry erase flash cards from the Discovery Pack.
We started off with some math from the work books. It was like pulling teeth to get correct answers today. I tried a couple different methods to help 'trigger' the memory until I realized it wasn't a problem with not knowing the answer, it was not wanting to say the correct answer. So we put the math books away. Because of the all the different moods being displayed today I had each child pick a book. I sat in the reading station with the kids and read their picks. I added in some simple actions to go with the books to hold their attention. This helped calm every one down.
While Athena was laying down to rest and relax a bit I told the boys to pick out their favorite rock.
I did not tell the kids we would be making pet rocks I wanted it to be a surprise, I also did not want question after question about when we would making pet rocks.
The boys each picked out a rock and were really intrigued with the idea of painting them.
The boys each picked out a rock and were really intrigued with the idea of painting them.
Spencer's pet rock 'ME'
After resting Athena painted her rock. It is not finished yet because she had a late start, but she did finish up her math! :)
Circle Time
While the paint was drying I gave each child a mini dry erase board with a season on it. Then using the dry erase flash cards I asked them to draw what was on the card if it belonged in their season.
The younger boys did not grasp this but enjoyed drawing with marker and were able to identify the objects and colors.
Athena had a blast with this. One of her favorite things to do is draw, plus she got to use mommy's colored dry erase markers.
End of the day was better then the struggle in the beginning. I researched tips on conducting home school and am looking forward to putting the advice to work.
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