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Kids Day With Sick Mamma

The sickness still has not completely left by body it is lingering by a cough and fatigue. I think I am still sick from a lack of rest. 
I woke up irritable this morning and am still feeling irritated.  As you can guess this made for an aggravating day.
I wanted to do preschool today because I knew Athena would be home all day and we did not do anything yesterday due to the sickness fatigue.
When I finally found energy to move it was 11 am. I contemplated starting the set up but knew my irritation would put a damper on the learning because my patience was low, plus both kids were asking me to play with them.
So we had kids day.
I got myself dressed and did Athenas hair started doing Spencers when I noticed how long his hair was. I cut it while the kids watched an episode of Dinosaur Train.  Not to bad on mommys nerves.
The little dragons had lunch while I folded laundry and drank some coffee. 
After starting a new load we played with play dough. We made little people, a city caught on fire, and a river with mountains. We pretended different things while building too.
Then the breakdowns started.  Athena was hungry and asking for snack but she had just had lunch an hour and a half ago and threw away half of her sandwich.  She wanted to fill up on snacks instead of a healthy lunch. Before she threw the sandwich away I asked if she was sure she was full because snack time was not for awhile and there is no eating until then. She said yes.
An hour and half later her tummy was telling her she should have finished lunch.
I reminded her of our conversation and said it was not snack time again but she kept asking and asking which caused Spencer to start asking for a snack. So both were whining. 
Ugh how I hate the whining. 
After the fourth time going over snacks I said if they asked again it was time for a time out. I gave them an answer it was not going to change. They asked again.  
Time out.
This caused a small fit from Athena. Spencer had finished his lunch so he wasn't actually hungry just feeding off Athena.
I wanted to scream. I knew the fit wouldn't be happening if she had finished lunch. I wanted to just give her food to stop the crying. But her nutritionist said she is old enough to make her own decisions and there needs to be specific meal times, it is a bad habit to eat all day.
So instead of pulling my hair out and yelling I tried to busy myself cleaning up the play dough.
This worked for Athena.  With my attention on something else instead of her bad attitude she stopped crying.


So we proceeded to another activity. I am having a Scentsy party Friday and had the kids help me make cupcakes and jello. 
Gratitude for distractions.
Now it was snack time, then the kids got to try a warm cupcake(with no frosting) while we discussed a person in our neighborhood. The baker. We have been talking about bakers after reading The Little Red Hen.
Mommy did more laundry.
I felt exhausted, no help from my coffee.

I tried to put on a movie for some quiet time but the dragons were not sitting still Spencer commandeered a laundry basket jumped inside and called it his boat. Athena jumped in next to him and another round of pretend began.
Athena spun Spencer in his boat.
While I prepared dinner both kids wanted to help with the dishes.  I had no reason to say no except my anxiety so I gritted my teeth while we all got wet doing the dishes together.  I am learning to bite my tongue and just let kids be kids. 


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