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Art Journal #2

Art Journal
I recently found out about art journals and thought it would be a wonderful experience with the kids for preschool.  There are so many possibilities with art journals and it is a nice way to express yourself with another person through art.  This activity can look many different ways for many different people.  Art is open, as is journaling.

We will be adding 1 entry a week to our art journal.  The themes, topics, or prompts may be random or may go along with a theme we are learning about for the week.

Journal Entry #2:Choices

We used make up swatches for this entry.

Before starting we talked about choice.  What it means and why we have it.  God gives us the ability and freedom to choose.

It, of course, got a bit silly when we talked about choices. 

First thing we did was choose our make up swatches. 

I showed the boys how to use the tips of their fingers to rub the makeup

Little Dragon was very intrigued with the makeup transferring onto his finger

Child's prompt:

  • What kind of choices do you have? 
  • What choices do you make? 
  • What if you couldn't make a choice?

They choose poop.  That is what they painted.  We continued talking about choice but the only thing they could think about today was poop.

Adult prompt: 

  • What choices are you facing right now? 
  • If you are surrounded by the stress of choice do you think your kids feel that? 
  • What are the consequences of your choice? 
  • What are you afraid of loosing? 

As always God's timing is perfect!  When I created this lesson plan there wasn't much to choosing which prompt to go with but God knew that I would need this prompt today.  It was a great way for me to visualize some hard decisions I am facing right now.

I believe I got more out of this journal then the boys did.  They did enjoy the materials.

Click here to view our other art journal topics


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