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Week 1-Construction

Reading my lesson plans may seem like a lot but we still have a lot of down time and play a lot during our lessons.  I like to keep my kids busy to keep them out of trouble. 

I am a stay at home mom to be a mom and be involved in my kids lives and help them thrive as much as possible.  I don't always finish everything in my lesson plan but I would rather be over prepared then under prepared. 

If the kids get bored during a lesson I switch it up or we move on to the next activity.  I try to keep it open for choice in what we do next and ideas on how to do the activity differently.  
We often stop in the middle of the activity to add some movement or goofiness so we are having fun together.  

It may not work for every family but my kids ask to do preschool and usually look forward to our day of fun activities. 

I am planning for a 5 day lesson plan.  These links only document 4 days.  If I find the time I will try to upload the 5th days lesson. I have them handwritten in my binder right now.

There is an activity book I am using for the lesson plan as well that has handwriting practice in it and a few activity pages that correlate to the theme.  This can be easily substituted for any other handwriting activity or activity book that has A-Z and 1-10 practice in it.

Week 1 
Letter: C
Theme: Construction
Bible story: Creation part 1
Bible Verse: "Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me." 
                         -Pslam 51:10

You can review my daily lesson plans here.
Week 1
Week 1 End

In addition to the lesson plans I am creating a week folder to supplement the lessons. These I use for any down time and extra core curriculum practice.

Inside this weeks folder: 
  • letter identification
  • 2 letter C sight words (car, cat)
  • question of the day
  • scissor practice puzzle that correlates to the theme
  • motion cards that correlate to the theme
  • a zip loc bag with some of our craft supplies needed for the week
  • letter C alphabet wall paper
  • letter C collage page
  • sheet of construction stickers 
  • a shortest worksheet
  • 2 construction truck coloring pages that we will be using for crafts listed in the lesson plan. 
Construction post 1
Construction post 2


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