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L is for love

The good Samaritan is our story focus this week which is a great story illustrating how to love your neighbor.  The fust couple days we read the story from the bible the next day I took out the magnets and we told the story on the board. 

After the first reading the kids put a bandaid on a stuffed animal. They had to look after that animal all day, 
be loving to the animal.  They even brought their animals to their other partents houses to continue looking after them.   All their idea. 

The folders had some nice love activities in them.   
A couple weeks ago we read the kissing hand.  I included some activities from that book in their folder.   it's an adorable book about love and it is easy to find love activities with the book. 

First thing in the folder were cards for The Dragons to make little love notes for people they loved. 
I also put a station for The Dragons to make a bookmark.  They could give it to someone or keep our if they loved reading books.

Loving your neighbor is different from how you love your family or spouse.  We discussed the different types of love.
And different ways to express it.
I taught Little Dragon how to say I love you in sign language and how we use our arms to say I love you. 

We took some time to write a love note to those we love too.

The Dragons went on a scavenger hunt for...
After all the yellow items were found I put all the yellow items in a bin and the items were played with everyday.  It has so far been our only successful color sensory bin.

I had a worksheet with hearts on it that Little Dragon used to place pom poms on the empty circles using tongs.

The Dragons played 'Mail Man'
I gave them each a small stack of envelopes and some scratch paper.  They would draw/write me things and deliver them to me, with a bag around their shoulder, as I cleaned the house.
I did not get any pictures though :/

Little Dragon worked on some numbers too.  I would put a number on the board and he would have to put that amount of items under the number.


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