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Field Trip To The City

We don't get the chance for field trips often so myself and the kids were very excited about our field trip.

We visited the city for our field trip.  We went to the downtown library and rode a trolley to the Peanut Shop.

Our first stop was the library.  We wanted to make the field trip educational and read a book about trolley's before we went on our trolley ride. 

The downtown library was huge!  There was a nice turtle display up for kids to touch and explore.  The librarian took the time when we walked in to talk to the kids about turtles.  There was a real turtle shell too! 

There were plenty of things to play with.  Lego blocks, trains, a doll house, a pretend kitchen with table and chairs, and a sleeping area for baby dolls.  There were also plenty of books (of course) and puzzles. 

The dragons also enjoyed looking at the city and watching the cars drive by. 

After a good amount of time at the library we went outside to catch the trolley.  The cool thing about the trolley, for me, is that it was free.  Every Friday!  The city provides the service.  That is awesome.  It doesn't seem to be well know though because the trolley was empty for both rides.

The trolleys were very nice as were the drivers.  The seats were all wooden benches and there were big overhead lights down the whole isle! 

Doll Dragon loved the trolley!  She smiled the whole time! 

 Little Dragon was a bit nervous about the bumpiness and wanted to stay close.  He finally warmed up a bit and loved how big the window's were.  He could see so much!

 It is not always easy to plan a field trip that is relevant to our current week theme.
This week's theme is hungry and healthy foods. On our way to the Peanut Shoppe we talked about healthy food choices and having special treats in moderation.

The Peanut Shoppe did have just about every nut available in addition to candy.  This was a healthy option (the nuts that weren't dipped in salt and sugar) and we got some of those too.

When we walked in the kids went right to the glass and started pointing out things they wanted.  It seemed very hectic.  The kids all asking to try everything it and asking me to look at this, and that.  There was so much stuff!

The attendants were so nice and helpful.  Plus we got a free bag of peanuts for riding the trolley.

Each Dragon got to pick out a type of candy to taste test. 

The sour hearts won the taste test.  Each Dragon got their own bag. 

After exploring the Peanut Shoppe and its goodies plus the adults picking out our favorite candies and nuts we headed back out to the trolley stop.  We rode the trolley back to the car and headed to lunch. 

I did not get any pictures of lunch.   We went to an Indian Buffet and were able to talk about which options were healthy and which were not.  We talked about the different ingredients do for our bodies and what food group they belonged in.  The buffet was a great place for this because they can see, smell, and taste the different options available and make a good healthy decision on what to put on their plates. 

We had so much fun on this field trip!  It was educational and cost very little.  The things you can explore that are so simple but bring great memories to your children.  


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