I feel like my blog posts have been very long of late. I have been trying to play catch up and it is easier to write a whole week at once. This time I am going to attempt to split up the week so I will have 2 posts about the letter r. Monday I should be back to my regular schedule with my blog and posting twice a week again. That is what I am hoping for anyway. Bible David and Goliath was our story this week. R is for the rock that David throws at Goliath. The kids had a lot of fun with this story. There were a lot of activities to do and most of them were interactive. I was also feeling better this week and had the energy to set up more activities. The first day I read the story to the boys from the Bible. After the story each boy drew a Goliath face on a paper plate. We took out the tape measure and measured 9 ft from the wall and taped the face there. (I was going to tape the plate on the wall so the boys could have a better vi...
Challenges and rewards of being a stay at home mommy and teacher of a blended family.