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Bread Experiment

What happens to bread when it is left in a dark place for 5 days? 

During our study of Jesus feeds 5000 we did a bread experiment.

  • two pieces of bread
  • water
  • medicine dropper
  • two Ziploc bags

First things first the dragons explored the bread. They touched,  felt, smelled, and examined the bread.
I wrote down some of the descriptions on the white board.
Then I explained the experiment. We wanted to know what happens to a dry piece of bread and a wet piece of bread kept in a dark place for 5 days. 

Of course the dragons took some guesses on what they thought would happen to both the dry and wet bread.

Next Doll Dragon used the dropper get the bread damp.  
Each Dragon then put their bread in their bags and then in the very back of the cupboard.
After five days we checked the bread. 
They again explored all aspects of the bread, Little Dragon even tasted it.

The results, Little Dragons bread remained mostly unchanged.  It was slightly more firm but not hard. 

Doll Dragons bread did have a change.  There was a bit of mold growing on the bread.   We talked about good bread vs bad bread and how the moisture and dark was a good combination for fungus to grow.

This week we brought out another activity from Kiwi Crate.
Our family loves doing Kiwi Crates!  Everything needed for the activity is available so it makes for a nice family craft or activity.

We did the second craft in the modern art themed box, hanging mobiles.
This activity was good for fine motor skills by pushing the pipe cleaner through the buttons.  Sandwiching the stickers onto the pipe cleaner took some hand strength.  My favorite thing was how open for creativity this activity was.

There was also some science involved.  Trying to get the stickers to balance the different sides of the mobile. The concept of balance was a bit new to the kids.  The mobiles were a great visual.

These mobiles were quick to make and look nice hanging above the beds of The Dragons.


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