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H is for Hungry

        "I am the bread of life, whoever comes to me will never go hungry" -John 6:35

This verse is what we are focusing on this week and were we get the letter H.

Of course God's timing is perfect and this is the same topic our pastor went over in church on Sunday.  It was a lesson for me as well as my for my children.

The story of Jesus feeding 5,000 was the story we learned together.

Little Dragon helped me make banana bread for our feeding the animals.  We made 5 loafs.

The next morning I set out a couple blankets and had Little Dragon collect as many of his animals as he wanted.  He set them out nicely on the blankets while I prepared the basket. I put in our 5 loafs of bread and 2 big felt fish.  As I read the story Little Dragon acted it out.  He prayed over the bread.  As he did this I dumped a bag of Swedish fish in the basket, increasing the amount of food.  You could also cut up the bread to make more but we were giving away our loafs so I didn't cut them up.

He gave 1 fish to each animal and 2 to some of his favorite animals. 
(He also gave them all napkins.) 

We picnicked together with the animals.

Little Dragon went on a scavenger hunt for orange objects. Then played with the things that he found.

We used the orange paper from our scavenger hunt to make healthy food menu's for a later activity.

Healthy Food Menu


  • Orange construction paper
  • pictures of food (printed or drawn)
  • glue stick
  • marker
  • crayons if you want to color the foods
Step 1: The Dragons identified the foods and we discussed which options were healthy as they colored.

Step 2: Cut out the foods

Step 3: Fold the orange construction paper in half and glue the foods on.  (I left this very open.  I would have glued them on in nice lines but the dragons had a different idea.)

Step 4: Come up with a name for the restaurant where your menu will be presented.

Little Dragon chose Japanese Rice and Doll Dragon chose Chinese Restaurant. I don't know why they were thinking about Asian food we hadn't had any for some time, but hey, who knows how preschoolers think.

There was some handwriting practice on the whiteboard as well as the alphabet notebook.

The Dragons traced a letter H magnet in their alphabet notebooks.  Doll Dragon wrote an H word for each H she traced.  Little Dragon brainstormed H words to but didn't write them in his notebook.

Our motion for the letter h was rubbing our tummy saying "h-h-hungry".

Both dragons made their standard letter h pencil toppers too.

Inside the weekly folder there was a letter h maze and each dragon had to trace each family members hand.  

They later colored each hand differently.  I had planned to make a craft out of our family of hands but the tracing didn't leave that as much of an option because most of the hands ended up being the same size.

We played a couple fun games at the beginning of this week.
Ziggy was introduced to the Dragons and he played a game each day this week with the kids. 
He was very popular in our preschool classroom.  I attempted to give him a french accent because he was a chef.  I must not have done too terrible because the kids adored Ziggy.

  • The first day Ziggy visited he played I spy with things that were in his kitchen.
  •  Next he played a clapping desert game.  He would clap the amount of syllables for his favorite desert. Explaining syllables to a preschooler is a little difficult.  I mentioned that is what we were doing but mostly focused on them clapping along.  I am sure something sunk in. *shrugs shoulders*
  • Day three we had Mac-n-Cheese for lunch, just like Ziggy!  Then we played a rhyming game with him as he talked about how he makes his Mac-n-Cheese. 

Find The Cat Under The Hat 
I liked this game as did the Dragons.  I liked it because it encouraged the kids to recognized different community helpers.  Before the game we identified all of the hats and what that hat is used for or what that person does for our community.
Doll Dragon was able to identify and remember all of the community helpers.
Little Dragon needed a bit more practice, but enjoyed playing multiple times.

I found the cut outs here.  I printed them on printer paper and glued a small piece of felt on the back to make them useful on the felt board.

To play the game you select a hider and a seeker.  The hider places the cat under one of the hats.  The seeker then says
Little Cat, Little Cat
are you under the _____ hat? 

After they say the community helper hat name they check under that hat.  This continues until the cat is found. 

We played this game many times and is great for a busy bag as well :) 


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