As much as I love science I am bad at remembering to do science projects. Lucky my dragons love science and are always asking questions, so when the opportunity presented itself Little Dragon asked if we could do a science experiment on evaporation.
He had been learning about the water cycle in preschool which is what brought this on.
We were outside doing our shape science when he asked if we could do another experiment.
He had it all planned out.
He wanted to fill up a container with dirt
add water
and watch it evaporate.
For some reason Little Dragon thought you had to have dirt for water to evaporate. I explained that water needs nothing but heat to evaporate and demonstrated this by showing him the cement drying in the heat of the sun from our earlier experiment.
He seemed to understand and gave me a few examples of water evaporating without dirt.
Although he now understood dirt was not necessary for water to evaporate he still wanted to add water to the experiment. I told him his results may change with he dirt but he didn't mind.
He got started on his experiment.
What he wanted to know was how long would it take for all of the water to evaporate. We knew it would happen (or at least I knew and he was told but wanted to see it for himself).
The first time we checked on it there was not much change because we finished getting it put together later in the day.

We were outside doing our shape science when he asked if we could do another experiment.
He had it all planned out.
He wanted to fill up a container with dirt
add water
and watch it evaporate.
For some reason Little Dragon thought you had to have dirt for water to evaporate. I explained that water needs nothing but heat to evaporate and demonstrated this by showing him the cement drying in the heat of the sun from our earlier experiment.
He seemed to understand and gave me a few examples of water evaporating without dirt.
Such as:
after it rains
Although he now understood dirt was not necessary for water to evaporate he still wanted to add water to the experiment. I told him his results may change with he dirt but he didn't mind.
He got started on his experiment.
What he wanted to know was how long would it take for all of the water to evaporate. We knew it would happen (or at least I knew and he was told but wanted to see it for himself).
He filled a container with dirt
He added some water
We put a sign on the container so none of the neighbors would think it was something to play with
and we put it in the hot sun
The first time we checked on it there was not much change because we finished getting it put together later in the day.
The next day it rained and filled our container back up.
Little Dragon thought this was cool too.
We checked it a couple days later and found the dirt dry and the water gone!
It took about 2 days for all of the water to evaporate.
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