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10 Weeks

Baby is growing fast and learning new things everyday.

I combined weeks 6-10 because each baby reaches each stage at different weeks. Therefore all of the tips can be used anytime through these weeks and continuing forward and still be beneficial to your baby.

Here are some things you can do to help your learning baby get the most out of each experience.

10 Week Infant
  • Holding things
Grasping things is something baby learns to do almost out of the womb but actually reaching for and grabbing things may start happening around this time.  To help baby with this skill always have easy to grab toys near by.

To help my daughter I will put a toy in her hand.  She will hold it for awhile then drop, but when it drops she will follow it with here eyes.  This makes her more likely to reach for the toy again. 

  • Practice sitting up
Just as I wrote in my last post I put my little lady in her saucer early to help develop those sitting muscles.  This is still important.  It not only helps with sitting muscles but she also puts weight on her legs when she is in the saucer.  

You can also play a sitting up game. 
You hold the baby hands and gently pull them up letting their head follow their shoulders and then gently lay them back down.  Continue doing this whilst playing (making faces at the sitting point, saying up/down, etc.)

Babies love to see the world from a sitting position so my little one is always eager to sit up and loves this game. 

  • Weight on their legs
This is important for muscle development too.  My little lady loves to stand.  When she stands we try to hold only her hands to help her stabilizing muscles and neck muscles continue to strengthen. 
But remember their little legs are little and will tire quickly.  
Because my daughter loves to stand so much at the end of the night I massage her legs and hips.  She really enjoys this.  It has become part of our bedtime routine. 

  • Keep at your bedtime routine
Sleep patterns are probably set up by now.  It is important to stick with the routine you started to keep baby on a schedule that works for you.

  • Tummy Time
Of course what you hear the most, tummy time.  Bobby's are great for tummy time but baby also needs some tummy time flat on a blanket.  This helps baby learn to roll over and push up from the floor to get their he'd and chest off the ground.  

At this point most babies cannot roll from tummy to back but should be able to go from side to back or side to tummy. 

  • Talking
This is super important for speech development.  The more you talk to baby the more she will respond and talk to you.  Reading, telling stories, narrating what you are doing, singing, and simple "yes tell me more" to the baby are easy ways to talk. 
Music is also great!  Playing it, dancing to it, and singing along are all great to do with baby. 
One thing we have to remind our other kids of is speaking properly.  Even though babies can't talk yet they are learning from our interactions.  Baby talking or calling things by the improper name can hinder the baby's speech when they are older.  

I did read an interesting article lately about learning speech when there is background noise.  The study found that children learn new speech/words/vocabulary better when there is no background noise.  Therefore, when baby wants to talk we make sure our phones and tv are not interrupting. 
  • Mirrors
This is an object you an use for multiple activities.  You can place a mirror under the baby in a boppy for them to see their own reflection or you can place toys on top of the mirror for more reflective fun. 
Cell phones cameras or selfies can also be a way for mirror play with the baby. 

  • Cause and effect
Anything that has cause and effect for baby is good at this stage.  When you shake a rattle it makes noise.  Show this to baby along with any other toys that make noise, and then give it to the baby to do it themselves. 

You can also put tin foil under their feet for a fun sound cause and effect activity.

Here are a few videos you can watch to see this in action! 

  • Vision
Babies eyes are getting better each day. You will notice her focusing on things farther away and for longer periods of time.  When she focuses allow her to look at what caught her attention until she is no longer entertained (you can take the opportunity to explain what she is looking at, shapes or colors for more talking time)
Also giving the baby more things to look at and different scenery is good for them.  Going on walks is a great way to achieve this and is healthy for the whole family :) 


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