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Nerf War

I will be trying to plan a group activity for the elementary school kids once a week.  

I am doing this to give them something to look forward to each week and to help with some of the after school chaos.  It also helps the kids relax and let go of the stressful school week. 

This week we had a Nerf War! 

We planned the activity on Monday and talked about it all week. This reminds them a fun activity is coming.  I also needed some extra guns and the notice gave the kids an opportunity to ask to bring some extra guns. 

Friday before the kids got home I had all of the guns out and loaded.  For this activity I had my two dragons and the two that I babysit after school.  Including me and my husband we had 3 girls and 3 boys.  The dragons all agreed boys vs. girls for teams. 

We played a version of steal the bacon. 
We had some extra nerf guns that we used for 'bacon'.

Before we could start playing we had a few things to go over.  We gotta play safe! 
  • no shooting the face
  • the bacon has to be visible from at least 1 view point
  • when you get shot you are down until someone revives you (when you are down on your back with your hands and legs in the air)
  • to revive you count 'revive 1, revive 2, revive 3'
Each team set up one barrier in their home base.  We stacked a couple boxes on top of each other in the middle of the room. 

We geared the kids up.  Gave them each a gun and a total of 10 darts, counting the darts in their guns.  Each team also had 10 additional extra darts that the adults held, just in case a team mate ran out during the fight.  
We gave each dragon an apron with pockets to hold their extra darts. Pants pockets are usually to small and the darts can get ruined being shoved or pulled in/out of the pockets.  The aprons worked great! 

Guns in hand, darts in pockets, we were ready to fight. 

We played a couple rounds then decided to change up the rules a bit.  We had one team be offense and one team be defense.  The offensive team had 2 minutes to try to steal the bacon from the other team.  When time is up the teams switch.  We switched it up because we had 1 overpowered gun that we would swap between teams. We noticed however, that whichever team had this gun would win.  Therefore the offensive team got the powerful gun to try to push through defenses.  

Both ways to play were fun!  We also got in some family activity and all of us got our bodies moving! 

It was fun for me and the hubs too ;)


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