It has been difficult for me to keep up with posting of late. I have been distracted planning for the upcoming preschool year. I told myself I had more time then I do and I am feeling the pressure of having everything ready. I found a great resource for lesson planning early in the summer and was very excited to use the lessons as a base. They focus on God's word which is important to me. Lessons here . Last year was my first year doing preschool. I started without many resources or research. I just wanted to get started with something. Since I began this journey I have found many other moms who do similar things as me and have found many great inspiring ideas! Towards the end of the school year I was much better at planning, prepping, and conducting lessons but still felt there was room for improvement. I am proud to say I am where I want to be now with my planning. Instead of planning once a week for a whole two weeks I plan to have (am on wee...
Challenges and rewards of being a stay at home mommy and teacher of a blended family.